We’re Jon & Grima. Met in Chile; married in 1970. Lived in Utah and California. Currently live wherever we happen to be in the RV.
In the Fall of 2014 we officially retired and hit the road, with lots of promises to document our new adventures for family and friends. Didn’t happen that way. Oh, we did hit the road ‘running’, but stumbled a bunch. But we have had adventures, met lots of interesting people, and, incredibly, are still traveling, or as the blog says, ‘Roaming 365’.
A little recap; emptied the house too quickly, sold off (more like gave away) most of our stuff, stored memorabilia and a few other things, came close to a nervous breakdown, rented the house, and scooted off to Texas from Roseville, CA, in time to meet up with our daughter, Michelle (http://www.mitchtakeson.com/), her husband, Andrew, aka the A-Man, and stepson, Caanan to catch a long planned flight to Chile.
Three months later back to Texas for a bit then finally moved into the RV full time and headed out as full-time RV’ers, but spent so much time seeing new things, photographing new things, and taking care of business along the way, had no time to set up a blog.
So you don’t get all confused with the ‘jumbled’ blog posts – threw out the chronological so now you’ll see ‘new’ posts about our travels that are all mixed together, in addition to several categories of photography that Jon feels matches his eclectic repertoire. But we’ll be diligent about ‘categorizing’ posts and images so you can select what you follow more easily.
Please enjoy and let us know what you think.