We had just returned to Texas, where we had the RV stored, from a three month stay in Chile. While waiting for RV repairs we stayed with our daughter, Michelle, and her husband, Andrew in Argyle, TX. Grima was traveling to Hungary and Budapest with Michelle, so I took the opportunity to drive to Las Vegas to check out the photography trade show for WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International). I needed to upgrade some equipment and generally there are pretty good deals at trade shows. I love traveling through the Southwest, especially where there’s interesting weather.
These following images were taken on the way there.
This shot is leaving Las Cruces, NM heading West. I’m struck by the saw-tooth profile of the Organ Mountain range bordering the city and the amazing sky.
The following images were taken at the Texas Canyon Rest Area on I-10 between Benson and Wilcox, AZ – a fun place to stretch and wander around the boulders.
Leaving the Phoenix area, had to pull over to catch the last rays of the sun on beautiful storm clouds.
There’s a little area off Hwy 89 coming into Yarnell, AZ, that’s great to take a little catnap, that is, if you don’t forget to turn off your lights. Did that once before and ended up with a dead battery. Thank God for cell phones. This time remembered to turn off the lights, and had beautiful clouds around to make for some dramatic images in a not so dramatic place. Love the cacti there.
So, more to come. Love to hear what you have to say about our travels.