Grima’s brother, Victor ‘Pitin’ Farías and his wife, Silvia, live in Temuco, Chile, and have a small house in Pucón, Chile. Pucón is a resort town at the base of Villarrica volcano, which erupted about 3 months after we were there. ( But, it was peaceful while we were there. We spent the night in Temuco and the next morning headed for Pucón where we spent much of the day.
Mitch and Andrew with Villarrica Lake and Villarrica Volcano in the background.
Los Pozones is a natural hot springs about 37 km from Pucón towards the Argentine border. There are 7 separate pools and it’s popular to visit there around midnight. So, we thought it would be fun to try it out. On the way came across this beautiful little waterfall.
Perfect golden hour light for a family selfie
Arrived at Los Pozones – first pool (after a pretty good hike down the hill from the parking lot). Grima, Mitch, Andrew and Canaan in the center of the pool.
Last of the pools downstream – much more privacy. Need to mention that on the way back down the mountain to Pucón we pulled off the side of the road, in the middle of a dense forest and no moon. Sky about as clear and dark as one can find anywhere on earth. Turned off the lights and let our eyes acclimate for about 15 minutes, while jumping a little at each sound emanating from the forest. The stars started intensifying with each minute until the entire Milky Way engulfed us. Andrew still talks about that night to this day. A few minutes of magic.
The lake region of Chile is an amazing place to visit and see. One of the sub-regions of the area, South of Villarrica Volcano and North of the Huilo Huilo Biological Reserve are the “Siete Lagos” (Calafquén, Panguipulli, Riñihue, Neltume, Pellaifa, Pullinque and Pirihueico). We hired a driver and van to spend the day around the ‘Siete Lagos’ with Grima’s brother, Pitín.
Took a break by Lake Panguipulli and came across a local group of students, part of the Rowing Club of Panguipulli
Lake Panguipulli foreground with Mocho-Choshuenco Peak and National Reserve in the background
L-R: Pitin, Grima, Mitch and Andrew
Fortunately, we were just a block away from the restaurant where we were going to eat lunch, Restaurante Puerto Fuy.
Also time to catch up with games
So, more to come. Love to hear what you have to say about our travels.