Chile – Christmas in Chile

December 25th in Chile is in the summer – the same as June in California. It can be a little disconcerting for those of us used to Christmas in the winter. Some of the traditions from the North have made their way down here. Lights and Christmas trees are seen in many places.


Lit trees adorn Calle Pedro de Valdivia in Providencia, Santiago.


But there’s more adherence to the traditional Christmas celebrations of the birth of Jesus. Manger scenes are plentiful and the baby Jesus doesn’t appear till Midnight Christmas Eve. Manger on the right, Christmas Tree on the left of the Providencia Municipal Plaza. And a nice December evening to enjoy the outdoor colors.


Our nephew, Mauricio and his wife, Nicole, invited us to celebrate Christmas Eve with them at their church, Cristo Vive, in the humble neighborhood east of Recoleta. The children made it a magical night.








Students from Germany, invited by Sister Caroline, participate in the services


So, more to come. Love to hear what you have to say about our travels.

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